Category: Wordpress Plugins

WordPress Custom Fields Search 0.3.15

August 11th, 2009 — 9:45am

Apologies to everyone who installed yesterday’s release (0.3.14), this mornings release (0.3.15) should bring back the custom fields functionality.  I was obviously a little premature in marking that one stable.  Thanks to Vytautas for pointing out the issue.

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WordPress Custom Fields Search 0.3.13

July 10th, 2009 — 11:59am

This is a relatively minor release including a few small fixes.

There is one relatively major change to the way categories and tags work, it’s a technical detail really that I won’t bore you with the details of, but this change will allow the categories/tags functionality to work on some sites which couldn’t previously use it.  However there is a chance that this will break the same functionality on other sites, so please post comments here if this causes issues for you and I will consider switching back to the old method.

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Public Bug Tracker for Plugins

April 9th, 2009 — 11:49am

Just a quick note to say I’ve put up a public bug tracker at if anyone wants to keep track of or report or fix known issues or planned features for the wp-custom-fields-search or any future plugins.

18 comments » | Bug Tracking, Wordpress Plugins

WP Custom Fields Search 0.3.4

March 26th, 2009 — 4:13pm

This version doesn’t add much new functionality but does fix a bug whereby files could not be edited in the theme/plugin editors while the plugin was installed.  Thanks go to Florent for pointing that one out.

I strongly advise all users to upgrade as soon as possible.

This also includes the functionality to place searchforms in page and post content.  See the presets section (Settings > WP Custom Fields Search) for an example tag.  Thanks go to Ibrahim for the suggestion.

For instructions on using the plugin please see the 0.3 release notes

127 comments » | Wordpress Plugins

Now On

March 24th, 2009 — 5:05pm

My custom fields search plugin has now been accepted  in the wordpress plugin repository. If you like it, please give it a rating there to encourage more people to use it.

15 comments » | Wordpress Plugins

WP Custom Fields Search 0.3

March 23rd, 2009 — 11:13am

Front End ScreenshotThis is my search plugin for wordpress, designed to filter posts in a more structured way than the default wordpress search. Specifically it allows multiple form inputs to be configured to search different aspects of a post, i.e. one term could search the post content, one the post title and one could search a custom field associated with the post.

The blog admin is able to build a customised search form. It allows you to search by the standard post information and by custom fields and to choose what HTML form elements should be presented for each search field.

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87 comments » | Wordpress Plugins

WP Custom Fields Search v 0.2 beta

March 17th, 2009 — 5:33pm

Front End ScreenshotThis is my search plugin for wordpress, designed to filter posts in a more structured way than the default wordpress search.  Specifically it allows multiple form inputs to be configured to search different aspects of a post, i.e. one term could search the post content, one the post title and one could search a custom field associated with the post.

The blog admin is able to build a customised search form.  It allows you to search by the standard post information and by custom fields and to choose what HTML form elements should be presented for each search field.

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16 comments » | Wordpress Plugins

WordPress Custom Search Plugin 0.1 beta

March 12th, 2009 — 2:14pm

Front End ScreenshotThis is a search plugin with which you can build a customised search form.  It allows you to search custom fields, choose multiple search parameters and choose HTML form elements to represent them.

I originally developed this plugin for a client project.  Basically the problem they had was that they were storing structured data (real estate properties) but the default wordpress search didn’t allow them to search it in a structured way (by price and location).  The plugin I’ve built allows you to configure multiple search input fields, configure the behaviour of each field (eg what options appear in a dropdown) and configure what database fields each input corresponds to (eg post title, post content, a custom field called price). Continue reading »

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